Contact the CSS Institute

For general questions or comments about the CSS Institute, please contact us using the form below. For concerns relating to individual research projects carried out by our employees, it is best to contact the person concerned using the personal contact details provided. Researchers with a request for data for a specific research project should use the form below.

CSS Institute for Empirical Health Economics

Data deliveries for external researchers

As part of CSS’s commitment to social responsibility, the CSS Institute provides anonymized individual data to qualified research projects. These data are provided free of charge, with the requirement that projects meet the same scientific standards and quality criteria as the Institute’s internal research—particularly regarding the chosen identification strategy and methodology. Requests from doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and assistant professors are given priority. In principle, the CSS Institute supplies data only to academic basic research; purely commercial projects are entirely excluded. Detailed information and the application form can be accessed via the link below.

Request data

Contact form