Lukas Kauer
Research Affiliate
From 2014 to 2023, Lukas served as a research associate at the CSS Institute. Prior to that, he completed his PhD at the Center for Disability and Integration (CDI) at the University of St. Gallen. He also worked at the Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG) at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the Swiss Economic Institute (KOF) at ETH Zurich.
- Douven, R., & Kauer, L. (2023) Falling Ill Raises the Health Insurer’s Administration Bill. Social Science & Medicine, 324, 115856.
- Douven, Rudy, Lukas Kauer, Sylvia Demme, Francesco Paolucci, Wynand van de Ven, Jürgen Wasem and Xiaoxi Zhao (2022). Should administrative costs in health insurance be included in the risk-equalization? An analysis of five countries. European Journal of Health Economics, 23, pp. 1437-43.
- Desson, Zachary, Lukas Kauer, Thomas Otten, Jan Willem Peters and Francesco Paolucci (2022). Finding the way forward: COVID-19 vaccination progress in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Health Policy and Technology, 11(2), 100584.
- Kauer, Lukas, Thomas G. McGuire, Konstantin Beck. (2020) Extreme under and overcompensation in morbidity-based health plan payments: The case of Switzerland, Health Policy 124 (1), p. 61-8.
- Beck, Konstantin, Lukas Kauer, Thomas G. McGuire, Christian P.R. Schmid (2020): Improving risk-equalization in Switzerland: Effects of alternative reform proposals on reallocating public subsidies for hospitals, Health Policy, Volume 124 (12), p. 1363-7
- Beck, Konstantin, Lukas Kauer (2019). Die Wirtschaftlichkeit ist ausgewiesen - Effizienznachweise für verschiedene Modelle, in: J. Baumberger, E. Baumberger, F. Huber & C. Köpe (Hrsg.): Managed Care Swiss made / Entwicklung, Bedeutung und Perspektiven der koordinierenden Grundversorgung im Schweizer Gesundheitswesen, Schriftenreihe der SGGP, Bd. 135, SGGP, Bern, S. 135-146.
- Christian Schmid, Konstantin Beck & Lukas Kauer, Health Plan Payment in Switzerland, in T. McGuire and R. van Kleef (eds), Risk Adjustment, Risk Sharing and Premium Regulation in Health Insurance Markets: Theory and Practice, Elsevier Publishing, London, San Diego, 2018, p. 453-489.
- Boris Kaiser, Luzia Zimmermann, Andrea Oswald, Christian Schmid & Lukas Kauer, Impfen in der Apotheke: Bestandsaufnahme und Erfahrungen der Apotheken, Bericht zuhanden des Schweizerischen Apothekerverbands pharmaSuisse (unterstützt durch den Qualitäts- und Forschungsfonds LOA IV), Basel, 2018.
- Kauer, Lukas (2017). Long-term Effects of Managed Care, Health Economics, 26 (10), p. 1210-23.
- Konstantin Beck, Lukas Kauer (2014): „Beschreibung der Berechnung einer Einheitsprämie gemäss der Initiative für eine öffentliche Krankenkasse“, in: Schriften des CSS-Instituts für empirische Gesundheitsökonomie.
Working papers
- Müller, Tobias, Mujaheed Shaikh & Lukas Kauer. 2024. “Retirement and Health Plan Choice”.
- Kauer, Lukas, Lukas Schmid & Valentina Sontheim. 2023. “Perceptions of Economic Conditions and Mental Health”.